Hi Gareth, thank you for your response. I agree with some of your points. An abundance mindset is a wonderful thing to have, except when it makes people see others as disposable. If someone is readily moving on because tthey think there's better nearby, I'm not too sure I'd call that an abundance mindset. Sounds more like commitment issues and shiny object syndrome. It's quite ironic what I'm about to say and I hope it reaches you. I needed an abundance mindset to reach my partner, I needed to believe there were plenty of men out there who wanted to go out with me and get to know me. It wasn't until I started dating with that mindset that I was able to meet my current partner. The truth is, you're going to have to meet a lot of people in order to meet someone you can be with. Not everyone has the values you have. I believe you can have the relationship you want and if you're willing to put in the work to make it last, that's even better. Because you'll fight for the person you love and want the relatinshp to thrive. First we need to believe we're worthy of it.